How to buy prints and products from my website

December 04, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

How to Buy Photos and Products

The main tool for ordering photos and products is the Buy button. It will be displayed on most gallery pages or displayed over the images within this site.

If the Buy button is not displayed, please contact me directly to let me know that you are interested in purchasing the photos.

Adding photos and products to the shopping cart

  1. Navigate to a photo you would like to purchase, click the Buy button at the top of the page. Choose Select product from the menu that appears. A pop-up window will open prompting you to choose which category of photo product you would like to order.
  2. If you would like to switch currencies or shipping location, click on Settings then select the desired currency and shipping destination.
  3. To change the way the product options are displayed, click the Product Catalog.
  4. Select the category you are interested in. A new pop-up window will open with available products and sizes.
  5. Use the options on the left to further narrow down the product choices.
  6. Look for the desired product in the main window.  Hover the mouse pointer over the product then click on More Info to read a brief description of the product.
  7. Click Customize. The product configuration screen will be displayed.


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